
The Sons of the American Legion Subscribes to and strictly follows The Four Pillars of the American Legion.

Still Serving: It’s Who We Are

In 1919, The American Legion was founded on four pillars: Veterans Affairs & Rehabilitation, National Security, Americanism, and Children & Youth. Each of these pillars encompasses a variety of programs that benefit our nation’s veterans, its service members, their families, the youth of America and ordinary citizens. These programs make a difference in hundreds of thousands of lives each year. Our organization’s positions and programs are guided by resolutions passed by American Legion National Convention delegates, and committee and commission members who represent 2.6 million wartime veterans and their families. These programs, and the men and women who take the time to perform them, are what allow The American Legion to make a difference locally, and on the state and national levels. It’s who we are and what we do.

Veterans Affairs & Rehabilitation Pillar

  • Access to VA Care
  • Better Funding Formula
  • Support for Veterans with
  • Special Needs
  • Career Opportunities
  • A GI Bill for a New Century
  • Employment and Business
  • Heroes to Hometowns
  • Volunteering
  • Final Respects

National Security Pillar

  • Strong National Defense
  • Military Quality of Life
  • Homeland Security
  • Foreign Relations
  • Full Accounting of POW/MIAs
  • Operation Comfort Warriors

Americanism Pillar

  • Flag Protection
  • Illegal Immigration
  • Voter Registration and Participation
  • Boy Scouts
  • The Pledge of Allegiance
  • Establishment-Clause Lawsuits

Children & Youth Pillar

  • Catastrophic Illness
  • Intellectual Disabilities
  • Immunization
  • Family Integrity
  • Media Violence
  • Drug Abuse
  • Child Sexual Exploitation

Detachment Commissions and Committees

[ Established by Resolution DEC07-05S — 17 March 2007 ]

It shall be the coordinating and cooperating body with The American Legion, Department of Illinois, “Americanism Commission” and “Commander’s Advisory Committee’s – Flag Alliance Committee” and The American Legion Auxiliary, Department of Illinois, “Americanism Committee” and with The American Legion and The American Legion Auxiliary, Department of Illinois, for any and all mutual programs. It shall promote the importance of patriotism and good citizenship by developing programs to accomplish this goal, to provide appropriate materials and guidance in developing such programs, promote and teach flag etiquette, and promote other community services. It shall provide guidance and materials in promotion of the protection of the Flag of the United States of America. At the Winter Executive Committee meeting, of the Detachment of Illinois, it shall present the proper motion to authorize the Finance Officer, of the Detachment of Illinois, to issue a check, in the authorized amount, to The American Legion Auxiliary, Department of Illinois, noted for the Detachment of Illinois donation to the “Department of Illinois Auxiliary Essay Contest Prize Fund”, said check to be presented at The American Legion Auxiliary, Department of Illinois, annual “Patriotic Conference”. At the Executive Committee meeting, of the Detachment of Illinois, just prior to the opening of the Detachment of Illinois annual Convention, it shall present the proper motions to authorize the Finance Officer, of the Detachment of Illinois, to issue appropriate, individual, checks, in the amount of all contributions received through the end of the Detachment of Illinois annual Convention, to The American Legion, Department of Illinois, “various Americanism funds”, in which donations have been received, said checks to be presented at The American Legion, Department of Illinois, annual Convention.

[ Established by Resolution DEC07-06S — 17 March 2007 ]

It shall be the coordinating and cooperating body with The American Legion, Department of Illinois, “Children and Youth Commission” and The American Legion Auxiliary, Department of Illinois, “Children and Youth Committee” and with The American Legion and The American Legion Auxiliary, Department of Illinois, for any and all mutual programs. It shall promote the importance of higher education among the membership of the Detachment of Illinois; it shall be the administrator of any scholarships offered from outside of the Detachment of Illinois but placed under the jurisdiction of the Detachment of Illinois. It shall develop and administer a program to provide higher education scholarships to the members of the Detachment of Illinois and make available application forms for scholarships. It shall collect and transmit funds to the Finance Officer, of the Detachment of Illinois, so as to establish a fund from which scholarships can be made. It shall establish, and present to the Executive Committee, of the Detachment of Illinois, for approval, rules and procedures by which scholarships are presented. It shall annually determine if funds exist from which scholarships can be made and the number of such scholarships which are available. It shall be responsible for the judging of the applications for all scholarships it administers and for the awarding of said scholarships. At the Executive Committee meeting, of the Detachment of Illinois, just prior to the opening of the Detachment of Illinois annual Convention, it shall present the proper motion to authorize the Finance Officer, of the Detachment of Illinois, to issue appropriate, individual, checks in the total amount, authorized as the amount of each individual scholarship to be awarded, which will be announced at Detachment of Illinois annual Convention. It shall, through the Executive Committee, of the Detachment of Illinois, and with the Judge Advocate, of the Detachment of Illinois, be empowered to recover funds from a scholarship that has been awarded and not used under the terms of the scholarship. It shall plan, organize, promote and administer an annual request for contributions to the “National Child Welfare Foundation” and the “Children’s Miracle Network” and see to it that contributors are appropriately thanked. At the “Fall or Spring” Executive Committee meetings, of the Detachment of Illinois, it may present the proper motions to authorize the Finance Officer, of the Detachment of Illinois, to issue appropriate, individual, checks, in the amount of all contributions received, to date, to the “Child Welfare Foundation” and / or the “Children’s Miracle Network” for presentation at the Sons of The American Legion, National Executive Committee Meeting. At the Executive Committee meeting, of the Detachment of Illinois, just prior to the opening of the Detachment of Illinois annual Convention, it shall present the proper motions to authorize the Finance Officer, of the Detachment of Illinois, to issue appropriate, individual, checks, in the amount of all contributions received through the end of the Detachment of Illinois annual Convention (as long as the amount is in excess of $25.00), to the “Child Welfare Foundation” and / or the “Children’s Miracle Network” for presentation at the Sons of The American Legion, annual National Convention. At the Executive Committee meeting, of the Detachment of Illinois, just prior to the opening of the Detachment of Illinois annual Convention, it shall present the proper motions to authorize the Finance Officer, of the Detachment of Illinois, to issue appropriate, individual, checks, in the amount of all contributions received through the end of the Detachment of Illinois annual Convention, to The American Legion, Department of Illinois, “various Children and Youth funds”, in which donations have been received, said checks to be presented at The American Legion, Department of Illinois, annual Convention.

[ Established by Resolution DEC07-08S — 17 March 2007 ]

It shall be the coordinating and cooperating body with The American Legion, Department of Illinois, “Finance and Economic Commissions”, and with The American Legion Auxiliary, Department of Illinois, for any and all mutual programs. It shall establish and administer the financial policies of the Detachment of Illinois. It shall coordinate with the Department of Illinois “Finance Commission” to assure a smooth working relationship between the “Finance Commission’s” of the Detachment and Department of Illinois. It shall continuously review the financial status of the Detachment of Illinois. It shall present to the Executive Committee meeting, of the Detachment of Illinois, prior to the Detachment of Illinois annual Convention, for its approval, a budget for the following year. It shall recommend to the Executive Committee, of the Detachment of Illinois, for its approval, the financial institutions, within the State of Illinois, in which the funds of the Detachment of Illinois, are to be held and said institutions cannot be changed more frequently than once per fiscal year, per account. It shall be empowered, between Executive Committee meetings, of the Detachment of Illinois, to establish necessary new financial accounts, in institutions of its choice, within the State of Illinois. It shall be empowered to require the Finance Officer, of the Detachment of Illinois, to furnish it with the financial records, for review in establishing a budget. It shall control the funds specifically administered by other commissions or committees, only to the extent that disbursements authorized by that commission or committee conform to the financial policies of the Detachment of Illinois. It shall coordinate with all activities of committees assigned to The American Legion, Detachment of Illinois, “Economic Commission”, concerning all matters affecting the economic well-being of all veterans. The Commission shall study and recommend solutions on problems relating to the employment, unemployment, underemployment, re-employment, and workers compensation of all veterans who seek, or have, attachment to the labor force, public or private. The Commission may also present citations to employers who do an outstanding job in hiring the veterans, especially the older and handicapped veterans. It shall promote the importance of the memberships participation in the various insurance programs offered to it through The American Legion, Department of Illinois, the American Legion or the Sons of The American Legion, National Organizations and / or programs offered to or through the Sons of The American Legion, Detachment of Illinois. It may develop suggestions and establish guidelines for insurance programs to be offered to the membership of the Detachment of Illinois; to provide appropriate materials and guidance in developing these programs as well as to provide appropriate materials for the various programs offered through The American Legion, Department of Illinois or the National Organization of The American Legion or the Sons of The American Legion.

[ Established by Resolution DEC07-10S — 17 March 2007 ]

It shall be the coordinating and cooperating body with The American Legion, Department of Illinois, “Legislative Commission”, and with The American Legion Auxiliary, Department of Illinois, “Legislative Committee” for any and all mutual programs. It shall develop programs for the advancement of all legislation in relation to veterans and other organizational related programs.

[ Established by Resolution DEC07-11S — 17 March 2007 ]

It shall be the coordinating and cooperating body with The American Legion, Department of Illinois, “National Security Commission”, and with The American Legion Auxiliary, Department of Illinois, “National Security Committee” for any and all mutual programs. It shall study the needs of the United States in armament, personnel and military affairs generally. It shall concern itself with both the internal and external security of the Unites States; and assist the Department of Illinois in the promotion of programs administered through its mutual Commissions. It shall encourage, promote, and coordinate a public awareness campaign to advise The American Legion family and the general public of the responsibility of us all to not rest until the fate of all American military personnel still listed as missing in action from all wars and conflicts is resolved. This Commission shall see to it that these brave men and women are not forgotten.

[ Established by Resolution DEC07-13S — 17 March 2007 ]

It shall be the coordinating and cooperating body with The American Legion and The American Legion Auxiliary, Department of Illinois, for any and all mutual programs. It shall plan, organize, promote, provide training outlines, assist others in conducting or may conduct “Leadership Training Programs”, provided for the members of The American Legion Family within the Detachment and Department of Illinois. It shall plan, organize, promote, provide training outlines, assist others in conducting or may conduct a session or multiple sessions of a “Sons of The American Legion College” which may be presented in various locations within the Detachment of Illinois. Expenses for any session of a “Sons of The American Legion College”, or related training sessions, shall be allowable to be paid from the separate Detachment of Illinois “Administrative Account”; to include, but not limited to: a). administrative and hand-out supplies; b). cap pin; c). lunch for the participants; d). appropriate nights housing for those administrating or instructing the training course and e). round trip travel expenses of a special invited presenters.


The Public Relations coordinates the internal and external images and messages of the S.A.L. The commission works in concert with other commissions and committees and assists them in achieving goals associated with public and media relations.

[ Established by Resolution DEC07-14S — 17 March 2007 ]

It shall be the coordinating and cooperating body with The American Legion, Department of Illinois, “Veterans’ Affairs and Rehabilitation Commission” and The American Legion Auxiliary, Department of Illinois, “Veteran’s Affairs and Rehabilitation Committee”, for any and all mutual programs. It shall promote the importance of service to the hospitalized veterans in both Veteran’s Administration, State of Illinois and public hospitals and other medical care facilities as well as to those veterans, disabled and otherwise, in need of assistance that are not confined by developing programs to accomplish this goal; to provide appropriate materials and guidance in developing programs. 

Also now includes Gifts to the Yanks: It shall be the coordinating and cooperating body with The American Legion, Department of Illinois, “Veteran’s Affairs and Rehabilitation Commission’s Gifts to the Yanks Who Gave Committee”, and with any American Legion Auxiliary, Department of Illinois, “Committees”, for any and all mutual programs. It shall plan, organize, promote and administer the Detachment of Illinois “Gifts to the Yanks Who Gave” program. It shall provide appropriate materials and guidance in developing maximum participation of individual members, Squadrons, County Councils, District and Division organizations, of the Detachment of Illinois, in contributing to an annual fund drive, to maintain a record of all contributions and to see that each contributor is appropriately thanked. It shall see that all contributions are transmitted to the Finance Officer, of the Detachment of Illinois. At the Executive Committee meeting, of the Detachment of Illinois, just prior to the opening of the Detachment of Illinois annual Convention, it shall present the proper motion to authorize the Finance Officer, of the Detachment of Illinois, to issue a check, in the amount of all contributions received through the end of the Detachment of Illinois annual Convention, to the Department of Illinois “Gifts to the Yanks Who Gave Fund”, said check to be presented at the Department of Illinois annual Convention.

[ Established by Resolution DEC07-15S — 17 March 2007 ]

It shall see that the Finance Officer, of the Detachment of Illinois and the “Finance Commission”, of the Detachment of Illinois, cooperate fully with the Financial Secretary, of the Department of Illinois, and the Auditors, of the Department of Illinois, in the annual financial audit of The American Legion, Department of Illinois. It shall report the findings of the annual financial audit of the Department of Illinois, as it pertains to the Detachment of Illinois, at the first Executive Committee meeting, of the Detachment of Illinois, following the receipt of the audit report. It shall conduct an internal audit of the financial records of the Detachment of Illinois, upon the death, resignation or removal from office of the Finance Officer, of the Detachment of Illinois, and shall hold control of the financial records of the Detachment of Illinois until a successor is properly appointed; such audit must be conducted as soon as possible; however, not later than three (3) weeks from the loss of the prior Finance Officer, of the Detachment of Illinois. It shall conduct an internal audit of the financial records of the Detachment of Illinois, at any time during the year, upon the written request of: A). The American Legion, Department of Illinois: a). Executive Committee; b). Finance Commission; c). Adjutant; d). Finance Officer; e). Chairman of the Sons of The American Legion Liaison (Advisory) Committee; or B). The Sons of The American Legion, Detachment of Illinois: a). Executive Committee; b). Finance Commission. It shall report these audits to the requesting authority and at the first Executive Committee meeting, of the Detachment of Illinois, following the completion of the audit. It shall have the authority to require the Finance Officer, of the Detachment of Illinois, to supply the Financial Secretary, of the Department of Illinois, or the Audit Committee, of the Detachment of Illinois, with the financial records, for audit, when audits are properly requested or required. It does not have the authority to perform audits of the financial records, of the Detachment of Illinois, on its own initiative except as required above.

[ Established by Resolution DEC07-16S — 17 March 2007 ]

It shall serve as a stabilizing influence in the operation of the Detachment of Illinois. It shall serve as an advisory board for the Commander, of the Detachment of Illinois. It shall act as the “Internal Affairs Commission / Committee” of the Detachment of Illinois. It shall be the coordinating and cooperating body with The American Legion, Department of Illinois, “Commander’s Advisory Committee” [except for the “Flag Alliance Committee”], the “Constitution and By-Laws Commission”, the “Internal Affairs Commission” [except the “Athletic Activities”, “Membership and Post Activities” and “State Fair Veteran’s Day and Uniformed Groups” committees], any other American Legion, Department of Illinois, Committees or Commissions not otherwise provided for within the structure of Committees and Commissions of the Detachment of Illinois and The American Legion Auxiliary, Department of Illinois, for any and all mutual programs. It shall develop ideas for the advancement of the Sons of The American Legion program, develop solutions of situations found to problem the Detachment of Illinois or referred to it by the Commander, of the Detachment of Illinois. It shall be responsible for submitting appropriate resolutions to the Executive Committee, of the Detachment of Illinois, all resolutions establishing or amending Standing Committees or Commissions of the Detachment of Illinois. It shall review any resolution submitted to it, from outside of the Commander’s Advisory Committee, to establish a Standing Committee or Commission; however, it does not have the authority to change the content, except for proper form, without the consent of the originator. It shall be the originator of all resolutions establishing or amending Standing Committees or Commissions required by action of the annual Convention, of the Detachment of Illinois. It shall be the investigating board to investigate any improprieties within the Detachment of Illinois, and shall be authorized to require members of the Detachment of Illinois to appear before it for testimony in relation to such improprieties. If a member fails to appear, it shall have the authority to request the Executive Committee, of the Detachment of Illinois, to suspend Executive Committee participation from that member of the Executive Committee, of the Detachment of Illinois, and / or the subtraction of that individuals membership from is Squadron’s total membership for the purposes of establishing that Squadron’s delegate strength for the annual Convention, of the Detachment of Illinois, or suspension of that member’s vote, as a “Delegate-at-Large” in the annual Convention, of the Detachment of Illinois, until his testimony is received.

[ Established by Resolution DEC07-17S — 17 March 2007 ]

It shall plan and organize the annual Convention of the Detachment of Illinois. It shall coordinate any activity, program, or function during the period of the annual Convention of the Detachment of Illinois. It shall, in conjunction with the “Host”, make arrangements for the sites to be used for the Bowling Tournament, Color Guard Contest, Golf Tournament (if such are held); the pre and post-Convention meetings of the Executive Committee, of the Detachment of Illinois, meetings of the annual Convention Committees, Rap Session (if held), Convention sessions and any other function to be held in conjunction with the annual Convention, of the Detachment of Illinois, including parades, when held, and housing accommodations. It shall enlist aid for administering the annual Convention, of the Detachment of Illinois, authorize (through the Adjutant, of the Detachment of Illinois) the purchase of convention badges, pins, necessary identification ribbons, and awards for all contests, and designate the official Convention Headquarters accommodations. With the approval of the Executive Committee, of the Detachment of Illinois, it may enter into necessary contracts for facilities and housing. It shall request that the “Host” appoint a local member of The American Legion to serve as the “Convention Coordinator” and furnish the Adjutant, of the Detachment of Illinois, with said individual’s name, address and telephone number. It shall request that the “Host” make arrangements for some of their American Legion, American Legion Auxiliary and/or Sons of The American Legion members to assist during registration, and other programs, where needed.

[ Established by Resolution DEC07-18S — 17 March 2007 ]

It shall be the coordinating and cooperating body with The American Legion, Department of Illinois, “Internal Affairs Commission’s Membership and Post Activities Committee” and The American Legion Auxiliary, Department of Illinois, “Membership Committee”, for any and all mutual programs. It shall promote the membership of the Detachment of Illinois, the creation of new Squadrons, and the organization or re-organization of County Councils, District and Division organizations. It shall assist in the promotion of membership for both The American Legion and The American Legion Auxiliary and The American Legion Riders, of the Department of Illinois. It shall provide appropriate materials and guidance in developing maximum membership throughout the Detachment of Illinois and develop activities in which Squadrons, of the Detachment of Illinois, may participate. It shall develop suggested programs and activities which may be used by the Squadrons or other levels, of the Detachment of Illinois, for various patriotic or other special occasions to promote both service, comradeship and membership. The Senior Vice-Commanders of the five (5) divisions, of the Detachment of Illinois, shall be delegated the responsibility to coordinate “Membership Caravans” within their respective divisions. The Senior Vice-Commander’s (Vice-Chairmen) of the twenty-three (23) districts, of the Detachment of Illinois, shall be delegated the responsibility to coordinate “Membership Caravans’ within their respective districts.